Our Homes..

Physis Care offer high quality nurturing care across four residential homes based in Shropshire, offering specialised CSE placements to young females aged 11-18 years.

Physis Care have developed a bespoke model of care for young people impacted by CSE, guided by input from The National Working Group for Sexually Exploited Children and Young People and is recognised by our Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.

A complete package of care, therapy, and education is delivered by in-house teams. We promote person focused planning with the opportunity for young people to influence the design and delivery of the care they receive.

In three of our homes, we typically offer planned placement lengths of 12 months or more, to enable our young people to complete our therapeutic programme and to be supported back into education.

Additionally, Physis Care can also offer short term, immediate emergency placements to young females who are at high risk of further exploitation, by offering them support and care within our place of safety home. Young people placed within this setting may then be eligible to move to one of our core homes to continue their therapeutic and educational journey.

  • All of our homes are individually designed to allow our young people to feel safe & secure, in a surrounding that is comfortable and welcoming.

    Our bedrooms are single-occupancy which allows each young person to have individuality & privacy.

    Our homes also have sociable areas for living and dining, enabling them to grow and progress in all areas of their development.

  • We understand that the impact of exploitation differs for each young person we support and may include:

    • History of missing from home and/or placement breakdowns

    • Challenging, risky and unsafe behaviours

    • Difficulties forming positive attachments

    • Low self-esteem and poor self-confidence

    • Gang association

    • Sexualised behaviour

    • Self-harm

    • Each referral is screened and assessed following our rigorous assessment policy

    • Referral Manager will present the profile to the appropriate home

    • Home Manager will then carry out the final assessment to ensure that the young person's needs can be met & that any risks can be managed.

“I can’t thank the company enough for all the hard work and commitment given to me while in the care of Physis. Allowing me to pursue my hobbies and interests has gained me a fantastic career & I now have a future ahead” - Young Person

“My experience of speaking with staff regarding the progress, have all been of a positive nature. Even when her behaviour has been negative, the home look for a positive outcome and way forward for her to focus on.” - Social Worker

Outcomes & Success...

Outcomes & Success...

“I’m extremely grateful for the care offered to my daughter, the home is amazing and has kept her safe. I have seen a massive difference for the better in my daughter. I would recommend any young person to live at this home. The staff are wonderful, and I thank you all so much” - Parent

“Physis has truly helped me to find my independence & I feel much more confident now. I will always remember the support you have all given me and our journey together. Thank you for everything and making my experience amazing” - Young Person

Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.”

Join us & make a difference.

If you’re passionate about making a difference to the lives of young people and enabling them to shape their own future, then we want you to be a part of Physis.